Average weather in July in Nice, Southern France

niceDuring the month of July the weather in Nice is usually fabulous. You can expect to find the average daily temperature in Nice in July to be around 28°C-31°C (80F-85F). During the day you will find the weather to be hot and sunny. July is the perfect time to be visiting Nice. Aside from the usual attractions you can also experience a whole range of things to do and see, from visiting the Nice Jazz festival to the Bastille day fireworks and the Fête du Malonat.

Weather in Nice, France during July

nice france July is the hottest month in Nice. You can expect an average of 14 hours sunshine and there is very little chance of rain (16% chance of rain and on average it only rains on 3-4 days during July). The sea temperature is also pretty good (around 23°C/74F) - which certainly makes it warm enough to swim in the sea.

Nice has a round 5kms of beaches, all along the famous Promenade des Anglais. A lot of the beaches are private (but you can enter if you pay). The public beaches are however free, but they are predominantly stoney beaches. So you are best advised to hire a lounger, unless you enjoy the feel of scorching stones on skin. 

What to do in Nice in July

nice summer fountains franceNice attracts over 30% of the tourists visiting the French Riviera each year (some 5 million visitors).  Nice has one of the highest number of museums in France after Paris (19 in total) and most of these are air conditioned. The best museums in Nice to visit include the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Marc Chagall Museum, the Matisse Museum and the Sport Museum.

But if it is especially hot, one good tip is to travel up to the North of Nice and visit the Phoenix Park. Here you will find not only a lovely park and ecological park, but you will also find the stunning Museum of Asian Art. A visit to Nice in July would also not be complete without the obligatory evening stroll along the Promenade des Anglais and a wander around Nice Old Town.

nice jazz festival south franceFinally, during the month of July Nice comes alive with music. Not only is there the famous Nice Jazz festival (see Nice Jazz festival 2020 for more details), but there is also a whole series of music concerts towards the end of July at the Theatre de Verdure.

We have a great range of villas to rent in Nice that position you perfectly for these activities.



Tags: Nice France, French Riviera, Weather in France